CFlow Yoga & Wellness
We're back! Happy New year :)
You can now book your class if you Want to ensure your spot - go to tab BOOK your class
Lunch classes (12:30) need to be booked by message +32 471 62 87 12 or website
Evening classes classes do not have mandatory booking!
Yoga and Pilates Classes

Classes will be held mostly in English, but don't worry, si tu ne parles pas l'anglais je pourrais te donner des orientations en français aussi :) Aussi, si tout le monde est francophone, le cours souvent est en Français
-At the end of the class, you can relax with some tea and something sweet that I often cook 💖
There is no need to book evening classes in advance (just the lunch time ones): you can just show up 10 to 5 minutes before the scheduled start time, without the slightest worry of not being able to make it or having late cancelations. But if you really do want to ensure your spot, please book it through the website booking system.
If you want more information, feel free to contact me on +32 471 62 87 12 or cflowyogawellness@gmail.com
* Pregnancy safe classes in the current schedule = Yin Yoga Sound Healing and Stretching *
Types of Yoga
Power Yoga
🔥 Power Yoga is a fast-paced style of yoga, more focused on physical benefits. In the classes. You will also find postures from Pilates and fitness in your Power Yoga classes. A sequence to work on endurance, muscle strengthening, flexibility, balance and breathing. Power Yoga is for anyone looking for a slightly more dynamic and less traditional version of yoga. For all those who wish to "let off steam" while sculpting their bodies. At the end of each sequence, you are invited to a moment of absolute relaxation to allow your body to assimilate all the benefits of the practice and feel the immediate effects of the release of hormones (Dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, etc.. . ) induced by this type of practice.🔥
Stretching Flex
🧘 This stretching class is there to help you increase your flexibility and mobility. This class will improve your performance in physical activities, decrease your risk of injuries, reduce potential aches and pains, and keep muscles long, healthy, and strong. Even if you work out a lot, this class is amazing for recovery as exercisers tend to focus on the work out and neglect the recovery. This class can even promote a better sleep by improving blood flow and relieve muscle tension, perfectly placed at the end of the day. It is accessible to all bodies: from the stiffest office warriors working long hours sitting, to dancers, to mommas-to-be or postpartum ladies looking to get back into more dynamic movements. 🧘
Vinyasa Flow
🌀 A Vinyasa yoga class focuses on connecting your breath to your movements, which tend to be set at a faster pace. During a vinyasa practice with me, you can expect to stay in a somewhat constant flow of movements for a big chunk of the class. Expect a faster and sweatier practice with me! 🌀
Energy Flow
⚡A dynamic sequence that revitalizes, detoxifies, energizes, and puts a smile on your face. A class for all levels, designed to invigorate the body, mind, and senses with physically challenging yet accessible sequences. Learn how to focus your body's energies to develop your strength, balance, endurance, and flexibility. The sequences work like a shot of coffee, stimulating the mind and toning the muscles. Impossible to get bored here: your Yoga teacher will make sure that you reach your limits in order to make them progress. Smile and energy renewed and guaranteed!⚡
Hatha Yoga
🌝🌚 Hatha yoga is practiced at a slower pace, focusing on the breath, on controlled movements, and on stretching. It is slower, but that does not mean this practice is less strong. Hatha yoga is the branch of yoga which typically comes to mind when you think of yoga in general terms. The practice involves breath, body, and mind. Hatha is also translated as "HA" meaning “sun” and "THA" meaning “moon.” This refers to the balance of masculine aspects—active, hot, sun—and feminine aspects—receptive, cool, moon—within all of us. Hatha yoga is a path toward creating balance and uniting opposites. In these classes, we take a little bit longer holds so that poses can be understood and corrected. We place a strong emphasis on details, precision and alignment in the performance of postures and breath control to gain strength, mobility and stability. 🌝🌚
Yin Yang
☯࿊ My Yin Yang classes blend the best of two worlds in one hour and a half: focus on the muscles, endurance, flexibility, and fiery strength brought by Yang and focus on the joint and connective tissues brought by Yin. This is an excellent class for those looking to have a complete practice: have a challenging flow, but also relaxing and meditating in poses. Even if relaxing is a difficult thing for you, after an hour of dynamic practice, the body and mind are usually more settle and open to receive a more relaxing practice. This is a perfect way for you to balance your two polarities – Yin and Yang – through stimulating both energies and body’s meridians (energy channels).☯࿊
💥My Pilates classes are a harmonious mix of floor barre – isolating body parts, with small, repetitive movements and Pilates – working the entire body at once, paying special attention to your core muscles. All of this, infused with good, motivating music and a smile! We will be doing moves that may initially seem small or simple but are challenging when done correctly and repeatedly. Pilates creates optimal strength through muscle balance and fine-tuning neuromuscular patterns and can change your shape through toning and its emphasis on alignment and improving posture. 💥
Yin Yoga
Sound Healing
☯ Yin Yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga, combining principles of traditional Chinese medicine with asanas which are held for longer periods of time than in other yoga styles. While most yoga practices will stretch and strengthen the muscles, yin yoga is going to bring the stretch into deeper connective tissue. Stimulating deeper tissue like fascia is meant to bring energetic benefits throughout the body and can help improve tissue elasticity along with joint mobility. Moreover, Yin Yoga can be one of the most restorative, meditative and relaxing practices. At the end of the class, be prepared to be “bath” with magical instruments during relaxation and/or savasana.☯
Mobility Flow
🏃🏾 You might have not moved like this before! This class is intended to help you increase mobility, flexibility, and the quality of your movement. With body awareness, we will be flowing in a way to increase the range of motion, improve balance, create stability in the joints, help with injury prevention and increase the recovery time of your high-intensity workouts/exercise (if you are an athlete). Mobility is the foundation to a healthy and free body! 🏃🏾
Prenatal Yoga
🤰 Prenatal yoga can be one of the best ways for Women to prepare to birth. The classes have the goal to help women get rid/manage fears anxiety through meditation, Pranayama (breathing exercises) and adapted yoga asanas (poses). At the end of the class, moms come together around some tea and a snack provided by the studio, to socialise a little bit with other moms. It is recommended to get advice from your midwife or doctor, in order to get their approval. Come enjoy your new prenatal yoga class in Ixelles. 🤰
Flow & Restore
🌀This class has a short and sweet-sweaty dynamic part (2/3 of the class) with a deep relaxation part at the end (1/3 of the class). After teaching several types of classes for many years, I found this to be one of the most effective ways for our modern busy minds and bodies to come to a balanced state through yoga practice. We’ll be flowing at a faster pace, to prepare our bodies to fall into a relaxing and restorative practice, with the goal of releasing physical and phycological tension logged in the body. As much as possible, passive asanas will be given at the end so the body shifts from doing, to understanding the benefits of not doing, and the nervous system shifts from fight-or-flight response to relaxation response, and enjoys true rest.🌀
Sound bath
Private sound baths - Individual and in Group 🎐 Send me an email to book 🎐
Workshops: Sound bath, Yin, Yoga and massage 🎐
New dates in tab "Events"
Instruments I play:
- Tongue drum
- Tibetan bowls
- Chimes
- Sea sounds
- Rain sounds
- Bells
- Tambourine
- ASMR sounds
- Kalimba
Power Vinyasa
💪 A Power vinyasa class is a fun, fast-paced and challenging vinyasa class, built not only to radiate you with energy, but also to strengthen your body and feel the fervour of flowing at the cadence of your own breath. Every class is a different experience of continuous dynamic flows increasing your endurance, fluidity, cardio, strength, and presence on the mat. Your first vinyasa class might seem too fast, but you get familiar with flows with time. Modifications are offered so you can modulate the intensity of poses. Expect to sweat in this slightly more challenging version of your regular Vinyasa class.💪
Partner Yoga
🧘♀️🧘♂️ Partner yoga is a practice in which two people support each other in poses in a way that enhances posture and builds trust and communication. Working with a partner provides balance in a pose while establishing and maintaining proper body alignment. Fun guaranteed! 🧘♀️🧘♂️
🔮 ✨Restorative yoga is a passive, meditative form of yoga that allows you to focus on your breath while releasing tension in your body. Unlike other forms of yoga, restorative yoga requires you to hold asanas or poses for an extended length of time, typically 5 minutes or more. In yin yoga, the focus is on stretching your connective tissues but in restorative yoga, the focus is on the passive release of mind-body tension. 🔮 ✨
Private Classes
🔮 ✨Private classes can be taillored to your needs. you can buy a session for yourself or you can share with up to 3 people. 🔮 ✨
Yoga Classes - Prices
When you arrive, you can buy a single class, a monthly pass or a card pass (If you fall sick or go on holidays, we can freeze your card Once for the duration of one month, just inform me beforehand). There are many options available and we can see together which one suits you the best! 🤍

Single Drop-In Class
Come and enjoy any class at any time: the single drop-in makes it sweet and easy!

20 Class Pass
Come and practise in 20 of my classes over 6 months!
13€ per class instead of 20€

5 Class Pass
Enjoy 5 Yoga classes of your choosing over 3 months!
16€ per class instead of 20€

50 Class Pass
Come and practise in 50 of my classes over 4 months!
10€ per class instead of 20€

10 Class Pass
Enjoy 10 Yoga classes of your choosing over 3 months!
15€ per class instead of 20€

Private class - 60/90 Min
10 classes - 550€ / 700€
A private lesson with me, specially designed for you!
We can approach specific issues such as: back pain, flexibility, muscle strengthening, relaxation, anxiety and depression. Classes may include: original sequence, adjustments, massage, sound bath - etc.
For a modest supplement, I can move around Brussels.
Règlement d’ordre intérieur.
La direction du C-Flow Yoga Studio se réserve le droit d’entrée.
Le simple fait de participer à l’un des cours proposés implique l’acceptation du présent règlement.
Accès aux cours
Les élèves sont libres de participer à tous cours proposés. Cependant, les consignes de sécurité communiquées par l’enseignant doivent être respectés.
Par respect et considération envers les autres, les élèves sont tenus à une hygiène stricte et de s’abstenir de participer aux cours s’ils sont souffrants, fiévreux ou contagieux. Des parfums forts sont à proscrire afin de respecter les différentes sensibilités.
La direction et ses enseignants pourront refuser tout participant ne respectant pas les règles d’hygiène.
Bon déroulement des cours
Il est demandé de respecter l’heure des cours. Idéalement, l’arrivée se fait 5 à 10 minutes avant le début du cours. Les cours commenceront à l’heure indiquée. Le studio fonctionne sans réservations pour votre confort maximale. Il se peut que les derniers arrivés, ou ceux arrivés en retard, ne trouvent pas leur place. La porte du studio sera fermée au début de chaque cours.
Les gsm restent silencieux durant les cours.
Tout problème de santé ou d’état de santé modifié (blessure, douleur, grossesse, ...) doit être signalé à l’instructeur. L’élève est tenu de respecter les consignes de l’enseignant.
Toute personne fréquentant le studio est priée d’utiliser un langage correct et une tenue décente. Toute personne qui, par son comportement, nuirait à la bonne tenue ou au bon fonctionnement du Centre, ou qui ne respecterait pas les prescriptions réglementaires et recommandations qui lui seraient faites par toute personne qualifiée, pourrait se voir l'accès du Centre refusé, soit temporairement, soit définitivement. La direction a le droit de suspendre ou d’annuler un abonnement sans aucune forme de compensation en cas de comportement non-sportif, de conduite peu respectueuse, ou d’autres abus vis à vis d’autres clients, de collaborateurs, de l’infrastructure en général ou d’enfreintes à ce règlement.
Rangement et respect du matériel
Les élèves s’engagent à ne pas détériorer les installations et le matériel mis à leur disposition et à le ranger correctement, aux endroits prévus. Les tapis doivent être nettoyés à l’aide des vaporisateurs à la fin de chaque cours. Les chaussures, manteaux et sacs seront rangés aux endroits prévus à cet effet.
Les élèves s’engagent à ne pas détériorer les installations et le matériel mis à leur disposition et à le ranger correctement, aux endroits prévus. Les tapis doivent être nettoyés à l’aide des vaporisateurs à la fin de chaque cours. Les chaussures, manteaux et sacs seront rangés aux endroits prévus à cet effet.
Planning, abonnements et fermeture du studio
Il se peut que le planning change pour mieux répondre a la demande des adhérents. Le changement pourra être communiqué directement au studio, via les réseaux sociaux, site web ou par email.
Les abonnements sont nominatifs (sauf exception faite par la direction), non-remboursables et non-échangeables. Après achat, aucun remboursement sera effectué. Les abonnements peuvent être gelés une fois pendant quelques semaines (max. un mois) si l’élève part en vacances ou est malade. Les abonnements du Yoga Prénatal peuvent être gelés le temps de rétablissement après accouchement. Les abonnements type « découverte » ou « offre spécial » ne pourront pas être gelés.
La fermeture du studio n’est pas annuellement fixée. Il se peut que le studio ferme pour des vacances annuels, travaux ou formation des enseignants. Les abonnements seront reportés la durée de la fermeture.